

Band........: Rose Funeral
Album.......: Crucify. Kill. Rot.
Year........: 2007
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/rosefuneral
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/Rose Funeral
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States


Enjoy :p


Band........: Architects
Album.......: Demo
Year........: 2005
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/Architects
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/Architects
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore / Progressive
Country.....: United Kingdom




Band........: Architects
Album.......: Ruin
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/Architects
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/Architects
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore / Progressive
Country.....: United Kingdom


Voted as one of the best albums of the year by Radio One, "Ruin" proved to be
the band's breakthrough effort, securing Architects a position at the top of
the UK metal and hardcore community. In support of the albumÆs release via
United By Fate/ Distort, Architects performed at the prestigious Download
Festival at Donington Park, clocked up a rare second live session for Radio
One and hit the road once again alongside the likes of Bring Me The Horizon,
As I Lay Dying, The Red Chord, Gallows and Enter Shikari, trekking
relentlessly across the UK, Europe and Canada.

At the beginning of 2008, Architects unveiled two stunning new tracks as part
of a split E.P with fellow Brightonians Dead Swans and secured a worldwide
deal with Century Media Records (Arch Enemy, Sick Of It All, Cryptopsy,
Strapping Young Lad), which marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter in
their story. The prolific quintet are all set to record their third full
length in July 2008, with a worldwide release planned for early next year.
Meanwhile, an enhanced edition of æRuinÆ will be released via Century Media
in mainland Europe on July 21st and North America on August 5th.


Band........: Straight To Your Face
Album.......: From The Underground We Shall Rise
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/straighttoyourface
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/straighttoyourface
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: Denmark


"Straight to your face play brutal in your face style hardcore,
no turning back!!! S.T.Y.F. crew has made a name for them selfs
in Denmark, by playing a hell of a lot of shows!!! S.T.Y.F.
wants to a part of the internationel hardcorescene, have a good
time, and show thier respect for, and play, the music they grew
up with...HELL YEAH!!! Straight to your face was formed back in
2004, in Elsinore city, Denmark!!! They have shared the stage,
with bands like 25 ta life, Cold as life, Born from pain,
Barcode, First blood and Terror, just to name a few!!! S.T.Y.F.
is all about making agressive music...in your face style. The
S.T.Y.F. message, is everyday life, and thier own life
experince and how fucked up this world has become. S.T.Y.F. is
NOT a political band!!!, just 4 homies, that wants to play
brutal hardcore music...Hell yeaaah!!!!"


Band........: Letter the the Exiles
Album.......: A Call to Arms
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/lettertotheexiles
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/lettertotheexiles
Style.......: Cristiana / Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States


Letter to the Exiles features ex members of Alove for Enemies (Facedown
Records). As the first release by this native Long Island, NY band, ôA Call
to Armsö combines uplifting and passionate lyrics with blazing metal riffs
and breakdowns that will shake hell itself. lol jesus.


Band........: The Ocean Has Eyes
Album.......: Retirement
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/theoceanhaseyes
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/theoceanhaseyes
Style.......: Death Metal / Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: Mexico


not EP's cover



Band........: Saving Grace
Album.......: Behind Enemy Lines
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/savingxgrace
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/savingxgrace
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal
Country.....: New Zealand


Combining brutal metal driven riffage, big breakdowns and mosh parts with the
passion, intensity and ethics of traditional hardcore, Saving Grace deliver
a blistering and crowd engaing live performance, never failing to leave a
strong impression. lol jesus


Band........: Gray Lines of Perfection
Album.......: Reaching the Ends of the Earth
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/graylinesofperfection
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/graylinesofperfection
Style.......: Cristiana / Progressive / Hardcore
Country.....: United States


Gray Lines of Perfection has been working hard spreading their name for the
last four years. With self booked tours and a self released EP the band
quickly begun building a fan base. In the summer of 2007 the band toured for
2 months with THE MIRACLE OF YOU which quickly brought the band to a new
level. This all brings us to nwo with the band releasing their debut full
length and gearing up for a full US tour at the release date, they are ready
to take over the USA!


Band........: Unearth
Song........: Endless
Year........: 2005
Format......: MP3 VBR 2ch 44.1 KHz
Audio Source: CDDA (KzT)
Deinterlace.: TIVTC
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States




Band........: Prostitute Disfigurement
Song........: The Sadist King And The Generallissimo Of Pain
Year........: 2008
Format......: x264 PAL 25 FPS / 863 kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz VBR MP3 ~236kbps
Audio Source: CDDA (QTXMp3)
Deinterlace.: TomsMoComp
Style.......: Death Metal
Country.....: Netherlands




Band........: I Killed The Prom Queen
Song........: Say Goodbye
Year........: 2006
Format......: x264 PAL 25 FPS / 1333 kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz VBR MP3 ~252kbps
Audio Source: CDDA (BUTT)
Deinterlace.: Manual 2:2 Pulldown: Flip On Odd
Country.....: Australia
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore




Band........: Whitechapel
Song........: This Is Exile
Year........: 2008
Format......: x264 NTSC 29.97 FPS / 1886 kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz VBR MP3 ~230kbps
Audio Source: CDDA (FNT)
Deinterlace.: Manual 2:2: Pulldown
Style.......: Death Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States




Band........: Genghis Tron
Song........: Things Dont Look Good
Year........: 2008
Format......: x264 NTSC 23.976 FPS / 2502 kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz VBR MP3 ~215kbps
Audio Source: CDDA
Deinterlace.: Restore24
Style.......: Metal / Experimental
Country.....: United States




Band........: Emmure
Show........: Sound Wave Superior
Year........: 2008
Format......: x264 NTSC 23.976 FPS / 2540 kbps
Audio.......: MP3 VBR
AudioSource.: CDDA (FNT)
Deinterlace.: Manual IVTC
Country.....: United States
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore


(L) scennnneerrrrs


Band........: Slow Death Factory
Album.......: From The Gutter To Your Ears
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/slowdeathfactory
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/slowdeathfactory
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal
Country.....: Denmark


"Slow Death Factory is a five-piece Metal act with roots in the
Danish metal scene (3/5ths of the lineup being from the
original Illdisposed album, ôSubmitö). Its basic trademark is a
thick, aggressive, blitzkrieg-of-the-senses, riff-based sound,
and gutter, rock-star attitude, epitomized by their motto:"


Música Cristiana: Top 10 Discos mas Vendidos

Los discos mas vendidos de este genero que debo reconocer no me gusta en absoluto pero parece que a mucha gente si, estoy hablando de la Musica Religiosa o Cristiana como suelen llamarla.

  1. Vico C con - “El Encuentro”
  2. Hillsong United - “Unidos Permanecemos”
  3. Danilo Montero - En vivo en Perú
  4. Hillsong London - “Jesús is”
  5. Jesús Adrián Romero - “El aire de tu casa”
  6. Lilly Goodman - “Sobreviviré”
  7. Samuel Hernández - “Dios siempre tiene el control”
  8. Hillsong - “Songs for Comunión”
  9. Julissa - “Inolvidable”
  10. René González - “Mi señor y yo”

La integridad es la cualidad
indispensable para el éxito
en los negocios.

Descubra Usted Sin Ser Un Experto En Internet Como Puede Iniciar Su Propio Negocio En Internet En Su Tiempo Libre Y Ganar US $ 5000 Mensuales.



1. Comience visualizando un fin:
La mejor manera para fijar su meta es visualizar el resultado final que usted logrará al alcanzarla. Piense: una vez que la logre: ¿qué obtendré?

Si su meta es escribir un libro, entonces su finalidad es terminar con un libro de aspecto profesional en sus manos. Si su meta es hacer cien mil dólares al año, entonces su finalidad es tener esa cantidad de ventas al finalizar el año.

2. Sea específico:
No diga "quiero ganar más dinero en el 2004".
Siempre fíjese una meta específica, como:
"Quiero tener $50,000.00 dólares en ventas de mi sitio de Internet para el 31 de diciembre de 2004".
Mientras más específico sea al fijar sus metas, más probable será que las alcance.

3. Escríbalo:
Proponga sus metas por escrito, no las deje flotando en el aire o en su mente; al escribirlas en un lugar especial, usted las hace tangibles, las vuelve reales.

4. Visualice su meta:
Si quiere escribir un libro, entonces cree una presentación o simplemente busque una foto de algún libro y escriba en él el título que desearía para su libro. Después coloque la foto en algún lugar visible donde tenga acceso a ella.
Si desea crear un sitio de Internet, entonces haga lo mismo. Cree una representación visual de un sitio de Internet con su nombre y colóquelo en algún lugar visible.
La clave aquí es que usted todos los días tenga un recordatorio de su meta para que constantemente luche por alcanzarla.

5. Investigue los pasos que necesita dar:
No se puede simplemente decir que se quiere crear una página de Internet y hacer que mágicamente aparezca una. Cada meta requiere seguir ciertos pasos antes de alcanzarla.

Esta parte es crítica.
Usted debe aprender cuáles son los pasos que necesita dar para alcanzar su meta, de otra forma, nunca la logrará.
Vaya a la biblioteca y lea cada libro que encuentre sobre el tema, inscríbase en un curso y pida consejo a los profesionales. Encuentre todos los recursos gratuitos que pueda, pero no tenga miedo de también invertir en recursos de calidad. Recuerde que solamente podrá aprender una pequeña parte de lo que necesita saber por medio de los recursos gratuitos.
La forma más fácil y segura de aprender cómo hacer algo bien es invertir en la ayuda de expertos que ya conocen paso a paso la forma de alcanzar las metas que usted quiere lograr.

6. Desglose los pasos:
Una vez que entienda los pasos que debe tomar para alcanzar su meta, es tiempo de desglosarla en segmentos simples y fáciles de lograr. Si la meta parece demasiado complicada, al dividirla en pequeñas piezas no lucirá tan abrumadora.

7. Fije fechas límite:
Un sueño es una meta con una fecha límite. Sin una fecha límite usted no logrará la mayoría de sus metas. ¿Por qué? porque hay tantas cosas en la vida que nos quitan el tiempo y antes de darse cuenta habrá pasado un año, y usted no estará más cerca de su meta de lo que estaba al principio. Proyecte una fecha límite para lograr su meta y durante el proceso ponga también fecha límite a cada segmento que necesite ser concluido. Una fecha límite debe ser específica y no un tiempo o unos meses antes de fin de año. Si usted falla en alguna de las fechas no se culpe por ello, simplemente fije una nueva fecha y vuelva a ponerse a trabajar en los pasos necesarios para alcanzarla.

8. Prémiese a sí mismo:
Al ir logrando completar cada paso de su meta, prémiese con algo divertido. Una cena en un restaurante, un disco compacto nuevo, o simplemente una tarde de descanso. Siempre asocie los premios con el logro de un paso más para su meta y así el lograr su meta se convertirá en una experiencia divertida que lo mantendrá expectante. Se convertirá en una forma de vida.

9. No se rinda:
Winston Churchill es conocido por haber dado la plática más corta que se recuerde. Esta plática fue presentada a un grupo de graduantes de una conocida Universidad. Él llegó al Podio, miró a la audiencia y dijo lentamente...

"Nunca, nunca, nunca, se rindan"
Habiendo dicho esto se sentó.
Fue probablemente el consejo más profundo que estos graduantes recibieron en su vida

Roberto A. Cóceres.
Expertos en Marketing Directo


Band........: Into The Silence
Album.......: Beyond
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/intothesilence
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/intothesilence
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore / Thrash
Country.....: United States




Band........: Drudgery
Album.......: Rust
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/Drudgery
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/Drudgery
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore / Grindcore
Country.....: Canada


Drudgery is the new project spearheaded by drummer Matt Connell
bassist Steve Ferraro on vocals. The group's debut EP was
recorded at Frozen Solid Studios in Guelph, Ontario by Matt


Band........: Here Comes The Kraken
Album.......: Demo
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/herecomesthekraken
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/herecomesthekraken
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: Mexico


not demo's cover


Band........: The Crimson Armada
Album.......: Behold The Architect
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/thecrimsonarmada
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/thecrimsonarmada
Style.......: Metal / Death Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States





Band........: In Flames
Show........: Live London Forum
Year........: 2006
Format......: PAL XViD 1246kbit/s
Audio.......: MP3 VBR
AudioSource.: TV
Deinterlace.: Double
Country.....: United Kingdom (London Forum)
Style.......: Melodic / Death Metal


TheMurder = HQ Videos ;D


Band........: Lamb of God
Show........: Live Download Festival
Year........: 2007
Format......: NTSC x264 1522 Kbps
Audio.......: AC3 48.0 KHz 192 Kbps
AudioSource.: DVDA
Deinterlace.: Yadif
Country.....: United Kingdom (Download Festival)
Style.......: Metal



Download Festival Performance In The UK:

1. Laid To Rest
2. Again We Rise
3. Walk With Me In Hell
4. Pathetic
5. Now You've Got Something To Die For
6. Blacken The Cursed Sun
7. Redneck
8. Black Label

Bloodbath.The.Wacken.Carnage.2008.DVDRip.XviD-ASSASS1NS (MediaFire)

Band........: Bloodbath
Show........: The Wacken Carnage
Year........: 2008
Format......: XviD NTSC 1299 Kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz AC3 448 Kbps
AudioSource.: DVD
Deinterlace.: IVTC
Country.....: Sweden
Style.......: Death Metal



2008 two disc (CD + NTSC/Region 0 DVD) edition of this rare live performance by the Swedish Death Metal supergroup featuring members of Opeth and Katatonia. Captured in August of 2005, this live show from the infamous Wacken Festival in Germany was the first concert by Bloodbath. It's brutal, loud and powerful. Features 'Cancer Of The Soul', 'Ominous Bloodvomit' and 'Ways To The Grave'. Peaceville

love me (L) leechers ;D


Band........: Arise and Ruin
Song........: Bound by Blood
Year........: 2008
Format......: x264 NTSC 23.976 / 1722 kbps
Audio.......: 44100Hz VBR MP3 ~238kbps
Audio Source: CDDA (FNT)
Deinterlace.: Manual IVTC
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore / Thrash
Country.....: Canada




Band........: The Bridal Procession
Album.......: Introduction To The Procession
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/thebridalprocession
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/thebridalprocession
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal
Country.....: France




Band........: As Hell Retreats
Album.......: Catharsis
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/ashellretreats
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/ashellretreats
Style.......: Cristiana / Death Metal / Progressive
Country.....: Unites States





Band........: Signs of Hope
Album.......: Choices Made
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/signsofhope
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/signsofhope
Style.......: Hardcore
Country.....: United States


After completing their first European tour and multiple US tours
including shows with Have Heart, Outbreak and Guns Up!, CT's
Signs Of Hope return with and EP worth of positive hardcore
anthems packed with sing-alongs, melodic guitars and heartfelt
lyrics. For fans of Verse, Have Heart and Bane.


Band........: Lower Hell
Album.......: Asphyxia
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/lowerhell
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/lowerhell
Style.......: Death Metal / Metal / Thrash
Country.....: Deutschland


Really good deathmetal-core band from south-west germany
on Demons Run Amok Entertainment.
Self-produced and recorded in cooperation with FEAR MY THOUGHTS
and mastered by Jacob Hansen.


Band........: Another Year
Album.......: Moments Don't Last
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/anotheryear
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/anotheryear
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: Sweden



Another Year formed in the spring of 2004 and was quickly
recognized by the Swedish hardcore scene for their intense
touring and summer demo. Sweden's finest follow up their
well-received self-titled debut from 2005 with "Moments Don't
Last." Boasting improved songwriting skills and a heavier,
cleaner production - they step forward to establish themselves
as main contenders of modern hardcore.



Band........: benediction
Album.......: killing Music
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/benedictionuk
LastFM......: http://www.lastfm.es/music/Benediction
Style.......: Death Metal /Trash
Country.....: United Kingdom




Band........: Zozobra
Album.......: Bird of Prey
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/zozobra505
LastFM......: http://www.lastfm.es/music/Zozobra
Style.......: Sludge Metal / Alternative Metal
Country.....: United States


This is a good band dudes ;)



Band........: Final Prayer
Album.......: Filling The Void
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/FinalPrayer
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/FinalPrayer
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: Deutschland


"To fulfil their vision of a powerful and bonecrushing sound,
the band returned to Berlins.. ôDaily Hero Recordingö studios
and recorded 11 new songs. The tracks were then mastered by New
Yorks very own Alan Douches (West West Side Music), who already
helped bands like Hatebreed or Sick Of It All to create a
remarkable sound. With such credentials Final Prayer have
managed to create a sound capable of holding its own with the

Neck breakers like "Annihilation" and "Wartime" are followed by
sing-along hymns like "In Denial" and "Fashion Parade".
"Doomsday Of The New Gods", a song dealing with the upcoming
ecocide caused by global warming, brings about total
devastation, before the catchy sing-a-long in ôMore Than Just
Music" reminds you that while music alone certainly can not
change the world, it may inspire people to change themselves.

More than enough words spilled on paper here, so just go ahead,
listen to the music, read the lyrics and try to FILL THE VOID!"


Band........: Know the Score
Album.......: All Guts Still No Glory
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/knowthescore
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/knowthescore
Style.......: Hardcore
Country.....: United States


Know The Score was initiated through the aggravations of day-to-day stress
and a common lack of resentment within the current hardcore scene. The
motivations behind Know The Score are made apparent through their cut and
dry lyrics that recite frustration and disgust for everything around them.
Blunt lyrics combined with short blasts and mid tempo stomps serve as the
blueprint for the bands stylized brand of core. Other elements of Cleveland
hardcore and classic thrash metal can be found peppered throughout the mix.
The end result is a wave of short, violent anthems that bridge anger and
honesty to a new low.


Band........: Kids Like Us
Album.......: The 80's Are Dead
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/KidsLikeUs
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/KidsLikeUs
Style.......: Hardcore
Country.....: United States


North Florida's concrete criminals, Kids Like Us, are resurrecting their long
out of press debut record 80Æs Are Dead. Kids Like Us play an animated mix of
contemporary hardcore with a ôsuburban Caliö punk rock attitude. Lyrics
linking growing old within the scene, horror movies, and sticking it to the
man make for some gnarly skater anthems. Included in the re-release is all
new artwork and live audio tracks from Eulogy Fest 08.

This record was a lot better than their eulogy debut..
Enjoy the live tracks and go sk8.


Band........: Five Finger Death Punch
Album.......: The Way of The Fist
Year........: 2007
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/ffdp
LastFM......: http://www.lastfm.es/music/Five+Finger+Death+Punch
Style.......: Groove Metal /Trash / Hardcore
Country.....: United States



Five Finger Death Punch was formed in 2005 by guitarist Zoltan Bathory (formerly of U.P.O). Other members recruited to the band include former Motograter vocalist Ivan Moody, former members in guitarist W.A.S.P. Darrell Roberts and drummer Jeremy Spencer, and former Anubis Rising/Deadsett bassist Matt Snell.

The band has recorded their debut album The Way Of The Fist in 2006 with Stevo "Shotgun" Bruno (Motley Crue, Prong) and Mike Sarkisyan (Spineshack). The record was mixed and mastered by former Machine Head/Soulfly guitarist Logan Mader.

In early June it was announced that the band had inked a deal with Firm Music, which is a branch of "The Firm", a highly successful management company (Korn, Staind, Limp Bizkit). Their debut album "The Way Of The Fist" was released on July 31, 2007 The record broke into the Billboard 200 on its first week of release, and hit the #2 position on Billboard's New Artist/Heetseekers chart. Their First single, "The Bleeding" landed in the top 40 rock radio charts, eventualy worked its way into the top 10 and ruled the radiowaves for an astonishing 8 months.


Band........: Oh Sleeper
Album.......: When I Am God
Year........: 2007
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/ohsleeper
Style.......: Metal /Hardcore /Christian
Country.....: United States


Enjoy dudes ;)



Band..........: All Shall Perish
Album.......: Awaken The Dreamers
Year..........: 2008
Quality......: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source.......: CDDA
Myspace...: http://www.myspace.com/allshallperish
Lastfm......: http://www.lastfm.es/music/All Shall Perish
Country....: United States
Style..........: Death Metal / Hardcore


Death metal and technical grind have an interesting way of co-existing. While each genre shares characteristics with the other it would seem that many bands would rather stay narrow in scope and keep the two as oil and water. However some outstanding young acts in the last few years have managed to rejuvenate the underground by encompassing more of extreme metals tangents and delivering some very impacting and fresh ideas into a seemingly over-cooked stew. Despised Icon, Beneath The Massacre, Leng Tche and others have thrown all caution (and rules) into the wind and are re-defining the death and grind genres with vibrant ideas and unrelenting delivery. Oaklands ALL SHALL PERISH are cut from that same jib delivering brutal music that possesses a natural need to experiment and push the boundaries of the extreme underground. Their second offering, The Price Of Existence, will turn the
death metal and underground hordes on their collective ear, and when all is said and done the band is sure to be touted as one of the best young extreme acts from the West Coast in this new millennium.

Finding common ground with a taste for such bands as Dying Fetus, Opeth, Cannibal Corpse, Hatebreed, Blood Has Been Shed and At The Gates, ALL SHALL PERISH formed with the intent of not being labeled with the restricting monikers of death metal, hardcore or metalcore, rather they simply wanted to brutalize audiences and get people moving. The bands 2005 Nuclear Blast debut Hate, Malice, Revenge proved that they were capable of blending various styles while delivering memorable and intelligent songs to all fans of metal and hardcore. Their live show brought the bands vicious attack from coast to coast with such known acts like Six Feet Under, Agnostic Front, As I Lay Dying, Bleeding Through, Brujeria, Dying Fetus, Diecast and Hate Eternal, and before anyone knew it ALL SHALL PERISH had racked up almost 10,000 units via Soundscan.

Change is inevitable, and when youre 100 committed to your art its imperative that only the best people be involved. ASP took the necessary steps to outfit themselves with the best line-up available for The Price Of Existence. New vocalist Hernan Eddie Hermidas delivery adds more depth and clarity to the bands overall impact, while the technical skills of guitarist Ben Orum and new axesmith Chris Storey are as top-notch as those of the most seasoned players in underground metal (Prisoner Of War and There Is No Business To Be Done On A Dead Planet are perfect examples). Powerhouse drummer Matt Kuykendall gives a heart stopping performance, immediately
ranking him just under such elite players as Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy) and Derek Roddy (Hate Eternal). Tracks like Eradication, We Hold These Truths and the ever-so-catchy Wage Slaves are brutal and would knock a gorilla on its backside, while The Last Relapse and the moody instrumental Interlude show a melodic side to the band which proves that ALL SHALL PERISH have forged ahead light years and have delivered a regal metal gem. The Price Of Existence is demanding indeed!


Band........: Hand to Hand
Album.......: Breaking the Surface
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/handtohand
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/handtohand
Style.......: Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States


"Orlando, FL's HAND TO HAND return with a more
accomplished and stunning new release, BREAKING
THE SURFACE! Blending elements of contemporary
hardcore, rock and roll, and old school metal,
HAND TO HAND let go of the boundaries and
limitations their previous efforts had placed on
them, and played what was in their collective,
bright hearts. On the heels of their highly
successful Lifeforce debut release "A Perfect
Way To Say Goodbye", which got the attention of
Alternative Press (among many others), HAND TO
HAND are ready to astound as well as astonish
with their newest offering."


Band........: A Red Dawn
Album.......: The Need to Defy
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/areddawn
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/areddawn
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal / Death Metal
Country.....: Australia




Band........: A House Cursed
Album.......: Treasons, Stratagems & Spoils
Year........: 2007
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/ahousecursed
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/ahousecursed
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal / Death Metal
Country.....: United States




Band........: When Man Meets His Maker
Album.......: Against the Grain
Year........: 2003
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/wmmhm
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/wmmhm
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal / Death Metal
Country.....: United States





Band........: A Bullet For Pretty Boy
Album.......: Beauty In The Eyes Of The Beholder
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace....: http://www.myspace.com/abulletforprettyboy
LastFM.....: http://www.last.fm/music/abulletforprettyboy
Style.......: Hardcore / Cristiana / Ambient
Country.....: United States




Band........: After the Burial
Album.......: Rareform
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/aftertheburial
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/aftertheburial
Style.......: Metal/ Hardcore / Progressive
Country.....: United States


Awesome technical metalcore. Check them out on tour with Darkest Hour


Band........: Catalepsy
Album.......: Iniquity
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/Catalepsy
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/Catalepsy
Style.......: Death Metal/ Grindcore / Hardcore
Country.....: United States


The second album by Florida's Catelepsy on Stilborn records. For fans of


Band........: Once Pure
Album.......: Straight Jacket Romance
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/oncepure
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/oncepure
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: United States



2nd album by this band, enjoy!

Once Pure offers a style of music that is categorized in the genre of metal that
is up and coming. With fast, choppy, grooving riffs that are filled with
synchronized double bass and precision drumming, Once Pure has created the
foundation for a style that brings you more in your face breakdowns and less
solos. The vocals being highly influenced by all cultures, there is a variety of
expeditions ranging from the rhythms and patterns of hip-hop, to the melody
filled choruses, and the vein pulsing screams that snable you to envision the
message and stories that Once Pure is sharing for individuals to relate to. Once
Pure has been in existence for about five years. After playing in support of
their first release, "Straight Jacket Romance"- Once Pure has currently finished
recording their new album, "Closing The Chapter". With the talent and precision
this band has, the light at the end of the tunnel looks very bright. Low-tuned
guitars, double-bass, and precise time changes mixed with the melodic/screams of
front man Jeremy create a pure blend of melodic hardcore metal.



Band........: Heavy Heavy Low Low
Album.......: Turtle Nipple And The Toxic Shock
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/heavyheavylowlow
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/heavy+heavy+low+low
Style.......: Chaotic / Hardcore / Rock
Country.....: United States





Band........: Ligeia
Album.......: Bad News
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/ligeia
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/ligeia
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: United States


Ligeia has maintained a DIY work ethic since their inception because of their
take no prisoners attitude. Front man Keith Holuk puts it like this, This
album is how we feel. Its who we are. Were having fun and we hope the kids
like it. And this time around, its not just about the breakdowns.


Band........: Silence The Messenger
Album.......: Beneath The Scars
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace....: http://www.myspace.com/silencethemessenger
LastFM.....: http://www.last.fm/music/silencethemessenger
Style.......: Experimental / Death Metal / Hardcore
Country.....: United States





Band........: Dark Intentions
Album.......: Destined To Burn
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/darkintentions
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/darkintentions
Style.......: Hardcore / Thrash
Country.....: Netherlands




Band........: Hour Of Penance
Album.......: The Vile Conception
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace....: http://www.myspace.com/hourofpenance
LastFM.....: http://www.last.fm/music/hourofpenance
Style.......: Death Metal
Country.....: Italy




Band........: Digression Assassins
Album.......: Omega
Year........: 2008
Quality.....: Lame/VBR/44.1kHz/J.Stereo
Source......: CDDA
Myspace.....: http://www.myspace.com/digression
LastFM......: http://www.last.fm/music/digression
Style.......: Hardcore / Metal
Country.....: Sweden


Their music is raw, its complex and its energetic. A pure explosion of
the sounds of metal, punk, hardcore and rock mixed through a blender on
high speed. In a time of musical conformity, even in the underground
scene, the Digression Assassins offer a true alternative! Digression
Assassins are a three-piece from Stockholm, Sweden. The band started out
in 2005, has gone through several line-up changes, released 2 demos and
one self-released EP. This has been a time for the band to develop their
style, each release stronger than its predecessor. A style which now
have reached its true potential and is unleashed through a full length
album in the summer of 2008! The term mathematic metal have been used to
describe the music but has nothing to do with the bands own ideas,
Digression Assassins try to write music that is interesting to listen
to, music that they want to listen to themselves, combining heavy riffs
with progressive and experimental elements. They have received top
reviews for their earlier work, they have played at the biggest
underground venues in Sweden and are now ready for the rest of the